Monday, December 18, 2006

Slacker here...

Wow I did not realize it had been almost a week since I had posted on this.... oops..

well this weekend was a nice one... Friday night I went to see my Aunt in the hospital then came home and unloaded groceries while talking on my cell phone and well tumbled down my 2 stairs going into my house and needless to say have messed up knees from hitting the concrete.. . Saturday was a day of not much.. relaxed made some cookies and enjoyed the house to myself... Sunday was church where the kids had their Christmas program.. It was very nice.. talking about how all kids want are toys and do not remember what Christmas is really about.... then Tom and I went and finished most of our Christmas shopping....

This week I will finishing Tom's Christmas shopping tomorrow with the kids... then wrapping wrapping and wrapping


scrapperjen said...

Way to go, klutz! ;) Just kidding - hope you are doing ok.

How was your afternoon off?

scrapperjen said...

Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year's.